Dresden Mission: Connect and Reflect

Elder Craig Miles, Germany Hamburg Mission Nov 1987 - March 1989, German Democratic Republic Dresden Mission March 1989 - November 1989

Dean Clement Season 1 Episode 25
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00:00:00 | 01:58:34

After 14 months in the Germany Hamburg Mission, in March of 1989 Elder Craig Miles received a transfer to become one of the first missionaries into the German Democratic Republic. He experienced a wide range of unique experiences including traveling back and forth through Checkpoint Charlie, being tailed by the Stasi, witnessing some of the earliest Monday Demonstrations in Leipzig during the fall of 1989, and seeing the final May 1st parade through East Berlin. And of course the highlight of his time was getting to know the strong members of the Church in the GDR and seeing the light of gospel touch many lives.

See photos and descriptions of many of these events here

If you are a returned missionary from the Germany Dresden Mission and wish to be interviewed for this project, please contact me at Dresden Mission Connect and Reflect Podcast on Facebook.

Update your contact information, find old friends and companions, and much more on the Dresden/Leipzig mission alumni page at Treffpunkt Deutschland Mission Dresden/Leipzig

Returned Dresden missionaries, click here for more information about the Church History Library and information about sharing your documents, photos, or oral histories from your service in the Dresden Mission. The Church’s policy on public access to donated personal history items can be read here. To communicate to someone directly about donating your mission materials, contact James Miller: jamiller@churchofjesuschrist.org.

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